Dr. Marc Nimchuk
"Computer neck" is a progressive, chronic condition that sneaks up on people and can already be quite advanced before any noticeable symptoms arrive. At the beginning, it is easily fixable, however if left untouched for months or even years, permanent postural dysfunction can result.
Thanks and have a healthy day!
Dr. Nimchuk is a chiropractor practicing at KLO Chiropractic Centre in Kelowna. He is also a full body Active Release Techniques® provider and Certified Exercise Physiologist®. He treats active patients from 2 months to 90 years old.
Ironically, as you are reading this column, I am contributing to the condition that is the topic of this column. In fairness however, the amount of time you spend on this page likely pales in comparison to the overall amount of time you spend in front of a computer or in a very similar position.
Depending on the source, the average teen and adult will spend anywhere from 60 minutes to several hours per day of leisure time on the computer. Keep in mind this does not include work time on the computer, which for sedentary office type work can add several hours per day. Being stuck in this position for hours on end is a source of chronic pain and worsened biomechanics for many people. This position of neck forward and rounded shoulders has recently been termed "Computer neck".
In reality, this position has been traditionally known as Upper Cross Syndrome and was first described by Valdimar Janda from the Czech Republic, a pioneer in rehabilitation medicine. Basically what upper cross syndrome describes is a weakening of rhomboid (mid-back) and deep neck flexor (front of neck) muscles along with a tightening of upper traps, levator scapulae (shoulders) and pectoralis (chest). These muscles when linked form a diagonal cross, hence the name upper cross. And yes, there is a lower cross syndrome as well, but that's for another time.
The effect of all this weakness and tightness is to alter your posture. Your shoulders round forward and is followed by your neck and head tilting forward as well. Your mid-back increases its kyphotic posture and becomes very stiff. Symptoms of this type of posture include:
Depending on the source, the average teen and adult will spend anywhere from 60 minutes to several hours per day of leisure time on the computer. Keep in mind this does not include work time on the computer, which for sedentary office type work can add several hours per day. Being stuck in this position for hours on end is a source of chronic pain and worsened biomechanics for many people. This position of neck forward and rounded shoulders has recently been termed "Computer neck".
In reality, this position has been traditionally known as Upper Cross Syndrome and was first described by Valdimar Janda from the Czech Republic, a pioneer in rehabilitation medicine. Basically what upper cross syndrome describes is a weakening of rhomboid (mid-back) and deep neck flexor (front of neck) muscles along with a tightening of upper traps, levator scapulae (shoulders) and pectoralis (chest). These muscles when linked form a diagonal cross, hence the name upper cross. And yes, there is a lower cross syndrome as well, but that's for another time.
The effect of all this weakness and tightness is to alter your posture. Your shoulders round forward and is followed by your neck and head tilting forward as well. Your mid-back increases its kyphotic posture and becomes very stiff. Symptoms of this type of posture include:
- Cervicogenic/Migraine headaches
- Neck pain and immobility
- Rotator cuff (shoulder) pain
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Mid back pain
"Computer neck" is a progressive, chronic condition that sneaks up on people and can already be quite advanced before any noticeable symptoms arrive. At the beginning, it is easily fixable, however if left untouched for months or even years, permanent postural dysfunction can result.
Thanks and have a healthy day!
Dr. Nimchuk is a chiropractor practicing at KLO Chiropractic Centre in Kelowna. He is also a full body Active Release Techniques® provider and Certified Exercise Physiologist®. He treats active patients from 2 months to 90 years old.
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