4 Secrets To Natural Bodybuilding
The 4 secrets to natural bodybuilding are: FBSC…Fast Start, Bulking, Sleep and Creatine.
Fast Start. The first year of training is the best, and can never be rivaled. You will make amazing progress in both strength and muscle mass gains. To maximize these gains, remember the follow:
Routine. It doesn’t
matter what routine or training split you use. Pick one and stick with
it. Your muscle mass and strength gains hinge on 2 factors, and 2
factors alone: progression and overtraining.
Progression. Always,
always, always, always and always try for more reps and more weight
during each workout. No excuses. Progression of weight accelerates the
anabolic growth process, and will help you maximize muscle gains.
Overtraining. Because
most training routines work for new lifters, there is no point in
killing yourself. If you’re lifting progressively heavier weights, make
sure you are getting out of the gym in an hour. More is not better. More
is actually worse.
Bulking. The 2nd secret to natural bodybuilding is
bulking. If you are unwilling to eat enough, there is not point in
trying to gain muscle – you are short-changing your returns. Here are 5
tips to maximize natural bodybuilding bulking:
Whole Milk. Drink 3
large glasses of whole milk each day. Whole milk is an easy way to add
bulking calories to your diet. Notice I did not say 2%, or skim milk.
Almonds and Nuts. You
don’t have to stuff yourself with junk food to eat extra calories.
Almonds and nuts are rich in nutrients, and – of course – calories.
6-pack. Forget your 6
pack for a while. If you maximize muscle mass gains while bulking,
you’ll have years to shed off a few extra pounds of fat.
Post-Workout. After your
workout, eat like a hungry sumo wrestler at a buffet table. Eat
whatever you want, and don’t worry if it’s not perfectly healthy. Your
body is a sponge post-workout, and is craving calories. Feed the need.
Cycles. The best way to
bulk is to eat 4,500 to 5,000 calories for 2 weeks, and then eat
normally for 2 weeks. The body is very anabolic during bulking periods,
but these growth factors receed after 2 weeks. Backing off from the
table for 2 weeks allows your body to bounce back and pack on muscle
mass again during your next bulk.
Sleep. This secret to natural bodybuilding isn’t
rocket science. If you’re lifting like a madman, and eating like a
madman, you need to be sleeping like a madman. Make 9-10 hours a day
your goal. The body becomes a growth hormone factory during sleep. Rest,
and repair. And if you didn’t get enough sleep last night, take a nap
during the day.Creatine. Creatine is a powerful supplement for natural bodybuilders. Purchase more creatine monohydrate, and give it a test run for 6 weeks. It will make you bigger, and stronger. But the gains from creatine are finite. Creatine doesn’t work like steroids. But it will give you a noticeable boost, and is therefore invaluable.
After your 6 week experiment with creatine, back off for a month. If all went well, and your body experienced no side effects (creatine side effects are very rare), cycle back on creatine.
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