11 Dec 2013

The Natural Weight Loss Secret No One Talks About

Never in a million years did I ever suspect that when I grew up I would spend all my days talking about poop!
Alas! I've been called “the queen of poop talk” so I guess it’s time to embrace my fate.
Here’s a daily dose of poop scoop.
It’s ironic to me that many of us spend so much of our time thinking and talking about what we put in our bodies — the food, the calories, the protein, the fat — but when it comes to talking about what comes out of our bodies, we get shy and embarrassed.
Here’s a fact: Everyone poops. Yep, everyone sits on the porcelain throne. You already know this, so let me get right to the reason that I’m bringing it up in the first place.
Waste = weight.
That’s right. The number one weight loss secret that nobody talks about is the fact that the extra poop sitting around in your body is a main cause of your excess weight. When you learn to rid your body of extra waste on a regular basis, weight loss and maintenance become effortless.
Sounds, pretty good, right?
Cleansing the body is all the rage these days and this is certainly a big part of cleaning out your tissues and cells so you can rid your body of old toxic waste. Food combining and implementing a few simple practices into your everyday eating routine can allow your digestive system to work optimally. In a nutshell, how can you tune up your digestive system so you can learn to poop like a 3-year-old again?  
The Basics of Food Combining

Food combining can be a complex topic. It can also make us a bit crazy in the beginning because we’ve been taught to think that a balanced meal contains a protein and a starch with a small side of vegetables.
What many of us don't know are the complexities of the digestive system, and the fact that different food groups require different amounts of time to be broken down and absorbed by the body. What’s even more interesting is that the faster a food is digested, the less waste it leaves behind. The less waste left behind, the easier the digestion process. The easier the digestive process, the more you’ll poop!
When you learn to eliminate on a consistent and regular basis (at least every day, if not twice!) the other results you can expect are less of the following: weight, cellulite, inflammation, disease, headaches, acid reflux, gas, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and more!
Okay, so let’s look some very basic food combining principles.
1. Vegetables combine well with nuts and seeds.
2. Vegetables combine well with legumes and beans.
3. Vegetables combine well with non-gluten grains.
4. Vegetables combine well with animal protein.
5. Choose one category of protein (nuts/seeds, legumes/beans or animal protein) per meal.
6. Choose either a protein or a starch/grain per meal, but not both.
7. Always eat fresh fruit alone on an empty stomach with a few minor exceptions (fruit does combine well with dark leafy greens, like in green smoothies)
As you can see, veggies combine well with most foods well. What’s key is to avoid mixing an animal protein and a starch or grain in the same meal.
As I mentioned, there are many complexities and gray areas when it comes to food combining. The point is not to obsess but more to become aware of this simple yet profound principle. And don’t take my word for it. Be your own experiment. If after a meal you feel energized, gas-free, less bloated, poop easily, lose or maintain weight, you most likely found a good food combo.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com


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